Pork STEAK Strips
PreP Time
40 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Total Time
50 minutes
Recipe and image provided by: @iloveshortbread for our #Porkwithpassion Competition
WHat you need to get:
1 Pack Bruemar Loin Steaks Pepper, Garlic & Honey
+ Sunflower cooking oil, for shallow frying
Pork Steak Marinade
+ 1 egg, beaten
+ 1/2 tsp Shao Xing wine
+ 1 tbsp cornstarch
Peking Sticky Sauce
+ 3 tbsp tomato ketchup
+ 1/2 tablespoon honey
+ 1/2 tsp hoisin sauce
+ 1 1/2 tbsp black vinegar
+ Dash of Chinese five-spice powder
+ 3 tablespoons tap water
+ Toasted white sesame seeds and chopped spring onions, for garnish
What you need to do:
Slice pork steaks lengthwise and cut into 5cm piece slices. In a bowl combine marinade, add in pork steak slices. Coat well and leave in marinade for half hour..
In a separate bowl, combine the sticky sauce ingredients. In a saucepan bring sauce to a boil while stirring constantly, once it boils remove from heat and set aside.
Heat frying pan on medium heat and shallow fry pork steak slices until golden brown and crispy. Place on paper towels to drain excess oil.
In a wok on low heat, place sauce and pork steak slices. Stir well and coat until all the Pork is coated with sauce.
Plate up and garnish with toasted sesame seeds and sliced spring onion. Serve with rice.